Category Archives: General

We are happy to announce that Kevin Abbott from Western Michigan University will be presenting a “keynote” on collaboration, game design in humanities, and medievalist-type games.

He also expressed interest in proposing a separate session / workshop dedicated to designing a game based on Beowulf.

Find out more about Kevin here.

Update on THATcamp Medieval @ Kzoo!

Hi all! Planning is underway for the first THATcamp to coincide with the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo. Even though we hope to have a number of medievalists attending, this camp is open to EVERYONE interested in sharing ideas about the Humanities, DH, and Tech.

We’ll get things started on May 7 at the Lee Honors College around 4pm, and run until around 7pm (the Honors College is walking distance from the Valleys and Sangren, for those familiar with our campus). Right now, we are in the process of putting together sessions and discussions dedicated to:

  • game design and the humanities
  • text analysis tools
  • social media and crowdsourcing tools for translating texts

… but this is just the beginning. Want to talk about something else? Have a program or tech skill you’d like to teach? Propose it!

If you’d like to join the discussion, please SIGN UP for a THATcamp account, REGISTER for our camp, and propose a session. THATcamp is open, informal, and participatory, so if you have an idea you’d like to discuss or a project you’d like to talk through, let us know.

See you all in May!



A little over a month away

The International Congress on Medieval Studies is a little over a month away. If you have made your travel plans and are in Kalamazoo on May 7, consider joining our mini THATCamp.  Contact Kate Langan with any questions.

Update on time and location

This unconference is in no way officially attached to the ICoMS because we do not want to compete with the multitude of sessions offered simultaneously. We will be holding this THATCamp on May 7 in the late afternoon into early evening.  We want to have as many people be able to join us as possible and want to start when many of you have already arrived in Kalamazoo.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact us:  Kate Langan: kathleen.langan at wmich dot edu  or Ilse Schweitzer: ilse.a.schweitzer at wmich dot edu

The next question is venue.  We are considering having the sessions held at the Valleys where registration and housing is located on  the campus of Western Michigan University. We are also looking into space in the University Center for the Humanities or Brown Hall, one of the classroom buildings in the Humanities Complex for our THATCamp site.

The Medieval Institute and the International Congress on Medieval Studies

International Congress on Medieval Studies

May 8-11, 2014

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

Find information about dates, registration, sessions, travel, lodging, etc… as it becomes available.


Medieval Institute

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

The Medieval Institute ranks among the top ten of the some 90 institutes, centers, and programs focusing on Medieval Studies in North America.


Why a THATCamp @ the International Congress on Medieval Studies?

It seems a waste not to harness the intellect that is found in Kalamazoo during the annual migration of Medievalists in May of each year.  We would like to offer time and space to the conversation of the Digital Humanities. The agenda is vague at this point, perhaps equally elusive as the definition of DH. The medievalist perspective does not have to dictate the content of the day.  We can open it up as broadly or close it down as narrowly as we like.
I've proposed the date of May 7, 2014, the day before the Congress opens so not to interfere with the sessions during the Congress itself.

The location is to be determined though I hope to meet in the University Center for the Humanities in Knauss Hall.

Ilse and I will announce moderators as we identify them. In the meantime, think about some topics you would like to propose and use the "Propose" page to start the conversation. Then on May 7, we will collectively decide which topics to address.